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  1. Sungyeol Choi, Eunju Jun, Il Soon Hwang, Lessons Learned from the Development of the Korean Nuclear Power Programme (Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency, 2008).

→ Upon request, partially republished in:

1.1. Sungyeol Choi, Eunju Jun, Il Soon Hwang, Lessons Learned from the Nuclear Power Programme in the Republic of Korea, in Workforce Planning for New Nuclear Power Programmes (Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency, 2011).

1.2. Sungyeol Choi, Eunju Jun, Il Soon Hwang, Lessons Learned from the Republic of Korean Nuclear Power Programme related to Human Resource Development (Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency, 2010).

Department of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University

1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea

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