Enabling Compact, Flexible Disposal and Storage
This research addresses the growing challenge of spent nuclear fuel management in one of the most densely populated countries, alongside the emergence of diverse advanced reactor types such as MSRs, VHTRs, and LMFRs. By focusing on high-temperature disposal solutions with enhanced sorption capacity, minimal land use, and acceptable costs, it aims to improve the isolation of radioactive waste through advanced engineered barrier systems. These systems are designed to delay radionuclide releases and allow for their decay, but their interactions with complex multi-physics and multi-component environments, including corrosion and dissolution of waste forms and canisters, require deeper investigation to ensure long-term safety.
In addition, compact storage solutions capable of withstanding enhanced temperature environments will be essential for managing high-burnup used nuclear fuel from various advanced nuclear reactors.
Research Topics
Multi-physics modeling for material degradation and chemical process
Postdoctoral researchers:
Graduate Students: Samuel Park, Pilhyeon Ju, Sangjin Kim, Eunbi Cho, Ji-eon Kim
Material performance and degradation of engineered barriers (used nuclear fuel, waste forms, buffers)
Postdoctoral researchers: Sujeong Lee
Graduate Students: Samuel Park, Jeonghwan Park(KAERI), Dongmin Kim, Chongmyung Jin, Eunbi Cho, Gwan-il Chae, Dohyun Choi, Jongchan Lee(FNC Technology)
- Chemical sorption and migration analysis of radionuclides
Postdoctoral researchers: Stuart Aberdeen
Graduate Students: Eunbi Cho, Ji-eon Kim, Dohyun Choi, Jongjin Kim(KORAD)
Interns: Hiring
Sponsors: KETEP, KAERI, KORAD, TSNE, FNC Technology
Collaborating Partners:
Korea Radioactive Waste Agency, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea Institute of Materials Science, Taesung S&E, FNC Technology, Aletheia, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, University of Sheffield, KTH Royal Institute of Technology