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Understanding and Modeling of Nuclear Fuel Performance

Achieving higher burnup and power uprates in PWR causes the build-up of CRUD (Chalk River Unidentified Deposit or Corrosion-Related Unidentified Deposit) on the upper spans of nuclear fuel rods. CRUD deposits produce operational issues such as CIPS (CRUD-induced power shift) and CILC (CRUD-induced localized corrosion). Understanding the formation of porous CRUD deposits is a significant challenge to science-based multi-scale modeling.

Research Topics

  • Multi-physics high-fidelity modeling of CRUD growth and boron chemistry

    • Researchers: Seungjin Seo

  • Effect of epsilon particle behavior in nuclear fuel oxide

    • Researchers: Jeonghwan Park​

Collaborating Partners:

Soonchunhyang University (SCH), FNC Technology, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

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