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Computer Codes Developed by the Lab


Multiphysics Modeling of CRUD Growth and Chemistry

A high-fidelity multi-physics FEM code to simulate the growth of porous CRUD (Chalk River Unidentified Deposits) and the boron chemistry and hideout within the deposits by coupling thermal, fluid, transport, chemical, and radiolysis phenomena with MPI parallel computing.


Developed and then delivered to KHNP.​



Seo, Seungjin, et al. "BOTANI: high-fidelity multiphysics model for boron chemistry in CRUD deposits." Nuclear Engineering and Technology 53.5 (2021): 1676-1685.​​​



Contributors: Seungjin Seo, Sungyeol Choi

(High-level rAdiowaste Disposal Evaluation Simulator by SNU):
Multiphysics Modeling for Geological Repository

HADES, built in the MOOSE Framework, can simulate multiphysics behaviors of chemical processes and material performance in engineered barrier systems at a geological repository. It covers thermal, fluid, mass transport, chemical, electrochemical, and radiolytic phenomena. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹



Park, Samuel, et al. "Coupled 3D thermal-hydraulic code development for performance assessment of spent nuclear fuel disposal system." Nuclear Engineering and Technology 56.9 (2024): 3950-3960


Chae, Nakkyu, et al. "Coupled mixed-potential and thermal-hydraulics model for long-term corrosion of copper canisters in deep geological repository." npj Materials Degradation 7.1 (2023): 26.


Park, Samuel, et al. "Thermal-hydraulic analysis of sequential disposal scenarios in a spent nuclear fuel repository." Progress in Nuclear Energy 181 (2025): 105662.


Chae, Nakkyu, et al. "Oxic corrosion model for KAERI Reference disposal system via O2 consumption reactions and mixed-potential theory." npj Materials Degradation 8.1 (2024): 80.​​​



Contributors: Nakkyu Chae, Samuel Park, Pilhyeon Ju, Eunbi Cho, Sungyeol Choi


SNUBIC (SNU Boron Investigator with CRUD growth):
1D Fast Scalable Simulator for CRUD Growth and Chemistry

A radial 1D multi-physics modeling can be applied for each section of nuclear fuel rods to simulate the growth of porous CRUD (Chalk River Unidentified Deposits) and the boron chemistry and hideout within the deposits by coupling thermal, fluid, transport, chemical, precipitation, microstructure changes, and radiolysis phenomena with MPI parallel computing. It can be used for calculating CRUD composition and thermal properties.​​​​​​



Seo, Seungjin, et al. "Multi-physics simulation of CRUD deposition and lithium meta-borates precipitation in pressurized water reactors." Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2025): 103433.


Seo, Seungjin, et al. "Modeling of deposition and erosion of CRUD on fuel surfaces under sub-cooled nucleate boiling in PWR." Nuclear Engineering and Technology 55.7 (2023): 2591-2603.



Contributors: Seungjin Seo, Sungyeol Choi


SNUCYCLE (SNU nuclear fuel CYCLe Evaluator):
System Dynamics Code for
Nuclear Energy System Analysis

A system dynamics simulation code for nuclear fuel cycle systems to analyze the isotopic mass flow and lifecycle impact of complex combinations of various fuel cycle processes, reactor types, and multiple recycling.



Choi, Sungyeol, Hyo On Nam, and Won Il Ko. "Environmental life cycle risk modeling of nuclear waste recycling systems." Energy 112 (2016): 836-851.



Contributors: Seungjin Seo, Sungyeol Choi

SNUPY (SNU PYrochemical electrorefining model):
Molten Salt Electrolysis Model
based on 
Butler Volmer Theory 

An electrochemical kinetics model to simulate a multispecies pyrochemical electrorefining process of used nuclear fuel in molten salt with solid and liquid electrodes.



Seo, Seungjin, Sungyeol Choi, and Byung Gi Park. "Transient modeling of spent nuclear fuel electrorefining with liquid metal electrode." Journal of Nuclear Materials 491 (2017): 115-125.



Contributors: Seungjin Seo, Sungyeol Choi


Commercial Softwares in the Lab




COMSOL Multiphysics​

MOOSE Framework



HSC Chemistry


Digielch 8


IMBA Lite​



PLS_Toolbox 9.0

PLS_Toolbox 8.9

MIA_Toolbox 3.0

Solo_Predictor 4.0

Origin 2017

Gaussian 16, GaussView 6

Aletheia X-ray CT software



Mnova NMR - Academic 


Solatron (Z Plot, CorrWare)

IFEFFIT package

UN-SCAN-IT Graph Digitizer



Department of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University

1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea

Since 2015 Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Nonproliferation Lab. All Rights Reserved.

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